Don’t you love driving around with tinted car windows? You feel like a celebrity, hidden away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. But did you know that tinted car windows serve a purpose beyond making you look cool?
Tinted car windows can help reduce glare and UV rays, making driving easier and more comfortable. In addition, tinted windows can help to keep your car cooler in the summer months, making it more comfortable for you and your passengers.
Let me guess…
You just went for car window replacement; got your windows tinted, and are wondering if you can wash your car yet. Well, the answer is yes! You will just want to wait a few days to let the adhesive dry completely. And be sure to avoid using any harsh chemicals or waxes on the tinted area until it is fully cured.
Thankfully, this article will share tips to keep your new window tint looking great for years to come!
Avoid direct sunlight
If you want your window tint to look great for years to come, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. That may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t realize that the sun can cause their tint to fade and eventually peel away.
So if you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period, make sure to cover your car or park in the shade. And if you’re really worried about your tint, you can always invest in a UV-resistant film. It may cost a little more upfront, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.
Keep your car clean
You know that feeling when you’re driving down the road, and you see a beautiful car with dark, perfectly tinted windows, and then you look over at your own car and see finger smudges all over the place? Yeah, no one wants that.
If you want to keep your window tint looking good for years to come, here’s a pro tip: keep your car clean! It sounds so simple, but it’s true. The cleaner your car is, the less likely it is that dirt and grime will build up on your window tint, making it look dull and faded.
So the next time you’re at a red light, take a quick look around and see how many people have clean cars… and then go wash yours. Thank us later.
Be careful when rolling down the windows
When you first get your car windows tinted, it’s like you’ve joined an elite group of people who understand the true value of privacy. Suddenly, you can roll down your windows without worrying about who might be looking in. But there’s a downside to this newfound privacy: you also have to be careful about how you roll down your windows or risk damaging your tint.
So next time you’re thinking about rolling down your window on a hot day, take a moment to consider the consequences. Do you want to risk letting everyone see into your car? Or would you rather keep your cool (and your privacy)? The choice is yours.
Avoid using car wash chemicals
If you’re like most car owners, you probably enjoy the occasional trip to the car wash. There’s something undeniably satisfying about seeing your car emerge sparkling clean from the automatic wash.
However, there’s one thing that you may not realize about car washes: the chemicals used to clean your car can actually damage your window tint. That’s right – those bright, sudsy chemicals can strip away the protective coating on your tint, leaving it dull and faded.
So what’s a car owner to do? The answer is simple: just avoid using car wash chemicals altogether. If you want to keep your tint looking great, just give it a good old-fashioned wash with soap and water. It may not be as fast or convenient as the car wash, but it’s sure to keep your tint looking its best.
Following these simple tips can help keep your car’s new window tint looking great for years to come!